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Hemorrhoid Symptoms, Self-Treatment, Surgery, Recovery Period, and Good Foods

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Hemorrhoids are inflammations of the tissues around the anus that can cause symptoms such as pain, itching, and bleeding, and are one of the factors that worsen constipation.
  • Self-treatment is possible through methods such as preventing constipation, maintaining anal hygiene, and using medications, but if the symptoms are severe, you should consult a doctor.
  • Hemorrhoid surgery is performed using methods such as sclerotherapy, ligation, hemorrhoidectomy, and laser surgery, and the recovery period takes about 1 to 2 weeks depending on the surgical method and the individual.
Hemorrhoid Symptoms, Self-Treatment, Surgery, Recovery Period, and Good Foods

Hemorrhoid Symptoms, Self-Treatment, Surgery, Recovery Period, and Good Foods

I will tell you about hemorrhoid symptoms, self-treatment, surgery, recovery period, and good foods. Hemorrhoids are one of the diseases that are difficult to talk about to others. It is true that it is difficult to open up because of shame. For those who are suffering from hemorrhoids and having difficulty with their activities, I will tell you about hemorrhoids in detail, so I hope you get better.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoid)

Hemorrhoids are a condition in which the tissues around the anus become swollen or inflamed. This occurs in the anal area, which is directly connected to the large intestine.

One of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids is pain or itching around the anus. Since hemorrhoids cause the tissues around the anus to swell, pain can occur if pressure is applied to that area. Also, if inflammation occurs, the area may itch and sting.

Hemorrhoids can also cause swelling or swelling around the anus. Swelling is a phenomenon that occurs when hemorrhoids worsen, and the tissues around the anus swell, causing the hole to become larger and more swollen.

Hemorrhoids can also cause bleeding around the anus or skin color changes due to blood vessel damage. If you have severe constipation, the stool becomes harder and pressure is applied to the hemorrhoid area, causing bleeding around the anus.

Causes of Bad Breath, Severe Reasons, Removal Methods

Hemorrhoids can cause constipation. Pressure on the hemorrhoid area worsens constipation, making the stool harder and irritating the hemorrhoid area. Therefore, constipation is one of the factors that aggravates hemorrhoids.

Finally, hemorrhoids can cause pain during defecation. If the hemorrhoid area is pressured, pain may occur during defecation. This, like constipation, is one of the factors that aggravates hemorrhoids.

If you have the above symptoms, you may suspect hemorrhoids. However, hemorrhoids are a disease that is not easy to diagnose, and an accurate diagnosis and treatment are possible only through a doctor's examination.

Hemorrhoid Self-Treatment

Hemorrhoids can be alleviated with self-treatment in some cases. We will guide you on how to self-treat hemorrhoids below.

First, it is important to prevent constipation. Constipation is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is good to eat a diet rich in dietary fiber, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly.

Second, when hemorrhoids occur, you need to keep the area around the anus clean. You can use soft objects or use cold water to cool the swollen area with cold water.

Third, you can treat hemorrhoids directly by using medication. You can reduce inflammation by using anti-inflammatory or painkillers, or using antibiotics. Creams or gels that are applied around the anus are also effective.

Fourth, applying heat can promote blood circulation, helping hemorrhoids to recover faster. The temperature should be adjusted so that it is not too high.

Fifth, you can reduce inflammation by cooling the area around the anus with ice. It is better to use ice wrapped in something rather than placing it directly around the anus.

However, if the symptoms are severe or persist, you should visit a medical institution for treatment.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery is usually performed in two main ways. The first method is to use injections to reduce hemorrhoids, which is generally recommended for patients who have been treated. This method can be a good alternative for patients who do not need surgery or cannot undergo surgery.

The second method is surgery to directly remove hemorrhoids. This method is recommended for patients with moderate to severe hemorrhoids that have not been treated. There are various surgical methods, but most surgeries use general anesthesia, and the surgery time usually takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Causes of Bad Breath, Severe Reasons, Removal Methods

There are various methods for directly removing hemorrhoids, but the following methods are typical examples.

Ligation and Stripping

This method is a surgical method to remove varicose veins, one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Varicose veins around the hemorrhoids are tied off using a special tool, and then the entire varicose vein is removed along with the hemorrhoids.

Corefaction (Hemorrhoidopexy)

This method is a method of preserving varicose veins while removing hemorrhoids, and hemorrhoids are fixed through the corefaction process. This method has the advantage of faster recovery with smaller wounds and less pain.

Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD)

This method is a method of finding varicose veins around hemorrhoids, tying off the blood vessels of the found varicose veins, and blocking the blood supply around hemorrhoids. This method has the advantage of short surgery time and less pain.


The laser surgery method is a method of removing necrotic tissue and irradiating the area around varicose veins with a laser to remove hemorrhoids. This method has the advantage of less bleeding during surgery, smaller wounds, and a shorter recovery period. Also, there is less pain after surgery, and the amount of medication you need to take is less. Laser surgery does not use general anesthesia, and surgery can be performed with local anesthesia alone, which increases patient safety. The surgery time usually takes about 20 minutes to 30 minutes. After surgery, appropriate pain relievers or antibiotics should be taken according to the doctor's instructions. Also, you should keep the surgical area clean and manage it properly.

Recovery Period

The recovery period after hemorrhoid surgery varies depending on the surgical method, individual condition, and postoperative management, but it usually takes about 1 week to 2 weeks.

You may experience pain or discomfort for the first few days after surgery, and the surgical area may swell. If these symptoms persist, you should consult with your doctor to take appropriate action.

Generally, after surgery, you should refrain from physical activity for 2 to 4 weeks and rest in bed or in a recliner. After surgery, it is important to eat a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of water to prevent constipation. Also, to prevent constipation, it is recommended to do light exercise or walking. You should receive checkups and treatment at the hospital according to the scheduled schedule after surgery.

Foods Good for Hemorrhoids

High-fiber foods are good for hemorrhoids. High-fiber foods help prevent constipation and promote intestinal health. Here are some examples of high-fiber foods that are good for hemorrhoids.

Fruit: Apple, pear, peach, persimmon, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, etc.

Vegetables: Spinach, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, beans, green tea, radish, cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, etc. Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, etc.

Grains: Oats, barley, rice, etc. Seeds: Sesame seeds, green pepper seeds, foie gras seeds, etc. Also, good beverages for hemorrhoids include water, milk, yogurt, sweet and sour fruit juice, and herbal tea. However, foods harmful to hemorrhoids are spicy foods, greasy foods, alcohol, cigarettes, and high-calorie foods. These foods can cause constipation or irritate the anus, aggravating hemorrhoid symptoms, so it is best to avoid consuming them.

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