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Reasons for vertical lines on nails and health conditions

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Changes in nail condition can be an important indicator of health.
  • Various characteristics appearing on the nails can make you suspect the possibility of diseases.
  • You can continuously monitor your health by managing and observing your nails.
Reasons for vertical lines on nails and health conditions

I will tell you about the reasons why vertical lines appear on your nails and your health condition. It is said that we can know our health condition through our nails. Even though it may seem like a simple thing to overlook, please check carefully to see if it is not a signal of your body's danger. Today, I would like to talk about nails.

Nails and Health

Nails are meaningful in that they can check your health status for 4 to 6 months. Especially, the nail grows slowly about 3mm a month, and it is a very special messenger that records the changes in my body that occur gradually and accumulates.
The protein that makes up the nail is keratin, and any factors that affect the keratin matrix can change the appearance of the nail, such as nutritional status, trauma, medical history, medication, toxin exposure, etc.
If you are not feeling well, your skin becomes dry, your hair becomes thin, skin problems occur, your complexion changes, and you can tell how healthy a person is just by their blood color. There are people who have a sign under their chin, especially those who have severe menstrual cramps and wake up early during their period. This is common in women who have uterine problems.
Just as skin tone becomes very dull and pimples appear when the stomach is not good, the same is true for nails. Since it is part of the skin, it reflects the health condition of my body. By looking at the condition, color, and patterns of the nails, you can suspect the changes occurring in your body, which is the possibility of disease.

Suspected Diseases Based on Nail Condition

If you look at a healthy nail, the crescent shape is the nail root. It should look very white because the capillaries are not visible. The crescent area should also have a hot pink color overall.
When looking at nails, check for any abnormalities in the lunula area and nail plate color. There are various essential minerals that make up the nails, and if the lunula is clear and has a smooth curve, it can be considered a healthy nail.
If you do not have a lunula, you may suspect a decrease in immunity or hypothyroidism. There are also people who have an excessive lunula, and they may be a cause of hyperthyroidism. And there are nails where the bottom of the nail is gone and the nail plate is mostly white. This is also a nail pattern observed in 80% of patients with cirrhosis.
Also, blue nails may indicate heart disease, especially if the lunula is very blue or sky blue. This is a nail that is often seen in Wilson's disease.
If this area is too red, it is heart failure. And if it turns yellow, those who are taking antibiotics a lot may turn yellow. Also, if it turns bluish-gray, it may be a sign of silver poisoning. This change in the color of the lunula is due to an overloading of minerals.
Women are doing gel nails a lot these days, but if you do it for too long, the nails will not be able to breathe, the nails will not be well-nourished, and if you become pregnant or the water supply does not reach the tips of your hands and feet properly, it will cause problems with blood circulation.
If you normally do not remove your cuticles at all and manage your nails well, but your nails are uneven, you need to consider blood deficiency anemia. In addition, you may need to consider thyroid disease or psoriasis.

Cases Where Vertical Lines Are on Nails

1. Dehydration and nutritional deficiency due to excessive dieting
2. Psoriasis of the hand is common. In the case of nail psoriasis, the nail becomes very thick, wrinkled, and bumpy in addition to vertical lines.
3. Many people with blood circulation problems. In the case of vertical line nails, blood circulation to the extremities of the hands, especially the hands, is poor, making the hands and feet cold and making it difficult for protein to be supplied to the lunula.
4. If you have cold hands and feet, you have menstrual cramps, irregular menstruation, and numbness in your hands and feet, your nails may be bumpy in addition to vertical lines. I hope you keep this in mind.

5 Cases Where You Need to See a Doctor

  • If the size of the black line is 6 mm or more, the color suddenly becomes darker and wider.

  • If the black line is uneven and irregular in shape.

  • If pigmentation is only on the nails, but also on the surrounding area, especially the cuticles, and the skin around the nails.

  • If nails break and crumble easily.

  • If there is not just one vertical line, but multiple ones, and they are of different colors.

In conclusion

Remember that nails are a direct meter of your health and that your nails contain your health data for the past 6 months, and that changes can occur in your nails when you have a disease. I hope you have healthy nails.

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