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8 Foods Good for Hair Loss Prevention

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • It introduces 8 foods that are good for hair loss, including seaweed, black beans, and eggs.
  • These foods are rich in nutrients necessary for hair growth, such as iodine, vitamins, and protein.
  • If you consume them consistently along with sufficient water intake, it will help prevent and improve hair loss.
8 Foods Good for Hair Loss Prevention

I will tell you about 8 foods good for hair loss and how to prevent hair loss. Nowadays, many people, regardless of age or gender, are suffering from hair loss. There are many ways to solve hair loss, but today I'm going to introduce you to the top 8 foods that solve hair loss. If you are worried about hair loss, I think you will find this very helpful.

Foods good for hair loss

The causes of hair loss include genetic factors, as well as stress and irregular eating habits. People who eat a simple diet due to dieting or those who enjoy fatty or sugary foods should all be careful about hair loss. Hair grows and falls out repeatedly, but to maintain healthy hair, you need to consume the necessary nutrients. In this session, I will tell you about 8 foods rich in nutrients that are good for hair loss.

1. Seaweed

The first food I recommend is seaweed. Seaweed such as laver, kelp, and nori are rich in iodine and potassium, nutrients for hair, which helps hair growth and strengthens hair roots, preventing hair loss.
Iodine is an essential nutrient that makes hair grow. If you are deficient in this nutrient, your thyroid hormone will become abnormal, which will make it difficult for your hair to grow. Hair will lose nutrients and become dry and brittle, leading to hair loss. Seaweed is rich in iodine, as well as vitamins A, B, and E, which also greatly contribute to hair growth. Please remember this.

2. Black Beans

The second one is beans. You may have heard that beans are good for hair loss. Various beans, which are high in good quality protein, promote hair growth, and are quite rich in linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid for our body, as well as isoflavone unsaturated fatty acids, all of which help keep your hair and scalp shiny, which is very helpful in preventing hair loss.
In particular, the plant-based estrogen contained in black beans is known to make hair grow, and it contains a lot of cysteine and arginine, which helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp. In addition to black beans, various black grains such as black sesame seeds are rich in keratin, which strengthens hair and roots, and can be said to be good for preventing hair loss.

3. Eggs

The third one is eggs. Hair is made of protein, and if our body's protein supply decreases, naturally hair will lose nutrients, become dry and brittle, and may cause hair loss. Most of the foods we commonly eat contain protein, but it is difficult to find a food as rich in good quality protein as eggs.
Biotin contained in eggs is an essential nutrient for protein metabolism, including keratin, which is the main component of hair, which greatly helps to make black hair grow and also has the effect of preventing white hair from growing.
In addition, lecithin, a component of egg yolks, is a nutrient that makes hair shiny, keeping hair moist all the time and helping it grow lush and fast. Eggs are more helpful in improving hair loss if you eat them boiled rather than fried.

4. Mixed Grains

The fourth one is mixed grains. One of the causes of hair loss is genetic hair loss, and zinc and copper are the substances that inhibit the hair follicle enzyme that is the culprit, and promote hair growth. Mixed grains such as brown rice and millet can be mentioned as foods rich in zinc and copper.
Brown rice is rich in vitamin B, protein, and other nutrients that are good for hair loss, and it is quite helpful in producing melanin pigments that help make hair black, so it can improve gray or white hair. When eating rice, I strongly recommend that you eat it with black rice or brown rice instead of just white rice.

5. Nuts

The fifth one is nuts. For stress-induced hair loss, you can take vitamin supplements to improve blood flow, helping to prevent hair loss. Walnuts are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and minerals, and also contain a lot of alpha-linolenic acid, one of the types of omega-3 fatty acids, which greatly helps to prevent stress-induced hair loss due to abnormal blood circulation.
Also, pine nuts also contain a lot of vitamin E, and tocopherol is also abundant, which cleanses blood vessels, strengthens pores and roots, and keeps hair shiny. Sunflower seeds are also rich in vitamin E and are known to help reduce gray hair and maintain healthy hair, which is good to remember.

6. Spinach

The sixth one is spinach. Vitamin A is another important component in maintaining the health of hair. If vitamin A is deficient, hair becomes dry and brittle, which can lead to hair loss. To prevent this, you need to consume vitamin A regularly. Among vegetables, spinach is rich in vitamin A.
If you eat spinach regularly, it will supply nutrients to your hair, making your scalp shiny and lush, and spinach also contains a lot of iron that helps hair growth in addition to vitamins, so you can get great help in improving hair loss.

7. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in quercetin and catechin, which inhibit the hair follicle enzyme that causes hair loss. If you brew green tea strongly and drink it regularly, it helps prevent stress-induced hair loss.
The green components of this green tea are rich in vitamins, iron, and minerals, and are rich in antioxidants, which suppress active oxygen, so it can be said that it is good for hair loss in many ways. When studying or concentrating too much, please keep green tea nearby and drink it regularly. Please remember that this helps greatly in preventing hair loss due to excessive stress.

8. Water

One of the reasons for hair loss is poor blood circulation. Blood pressure and water in our body need to be delivered strongly to the scalp, but if blood circulation is poor, nutrients will not reach the scalp and hair properly.
Regularly consuming water and fluids helps to energize blood circulation and deliver the necessary nutrients to your hair. Even if you eat a lot of foods that are good for hair loss, it will be useless if you are dehydrated, so keep this in mind. On average, it is good to drink about 2 liters per day.

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