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7 Magic Foods for Better Eyesight

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • This article introduces 7 foods that are good for eye health, including blueberries, kale, cassia seeds, beets, eggs, avocado, and salmon.
  • It explains that the ingredients contained in these foods, such as lutein, vitamin A, C, and omega 3, are effective in preventing eye aging and improving health.
  • In particular, it introduces that omega 3 fatty acids in salmon are good for eye health, and eating fish more than once a week is helpful for improving eyesight.
7 Magic Foods for Better Eyesight

I will tell you about 7 magical foods that improve your eyesight. Eyes are the part of our body that starts aging really fast. With the increase in smartphone use, presbyopia is becoming more severe even at a young age. So, I have prepared 7 foods that will improve your eyesight. I will tell you right away.

Foods that improve eyesight

You may have experienced a lot of blurred vision or dark and dim vision. Once your eyes get worse, it takes a long time to recover, so it is important to manage them consistently. If you feel your eyes are getting worse and dry, take a look at the foods I will tell you about now, and make sure to eat them consistently to have clear and bright eyesight.

1. Blueberries

First, blueberries. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which protect eyesight, and a component called lutein increases the activation of rhodopsin, which helps recover tired eyes. Strong antioxidant anthocyanins effectively block aging substances in our body, and they show a strong effect in preventing eye aging.
It is excellent in preventing and recovering cataracts, vision loss, and retinal damage. Fresh blueberries are difficult to store and need to be frozen, so I recommend drinking blueberry juice available on the market.

2. Kale

Second, kale. Kale is a really good vegetable for eye health. Remember this from now on. Kale is full of lutein, which is known to be good for the eyes. It contains 30 times more lutein than blueberries, and a study in the US showed that consistently eating kale extract cleared blurred vision and significantly increased the regenerative power of the retina.
Also, it has 100 times more vitamin A than cabbage, which forms a protective film on the eyes and is said to be excellent in regenerating eyesight.

3. Cassia Seed

Third, cassia seed. Many people drink cassia seed tea, which is a very famous tea for improving eyesight. Cassia seed itself contains a large amount of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and kaempferol, and its absorption rate is high. Therefore, it not only prevents vision loss, but is also very good for improving ophthalmic diseases such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, and glaucoma.
It is also rich in carotenoids, which are components that make up the retina, and it makes the protective film stronger. It also has the characteristic of quickly curing eye fatigue or when the eyes are red and congested. It is important to note that cassia seed is essential for eye health, so make sure to include it in your diet.

4. Beetroot

Fourth, beetroot. Red beet, which is also used as a medicinal herb to clear the eyes, is full of vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and is easily absorbed by the body. It cools down heat when your eyes are tired and hot, and promotes blood circulation in the eyes.
It is excellent in protecting the retina and suppressing the progression of macular degeneration, and it improves and restores dry eyes and blurred vision. It is also excellent in improving ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts caused by aging. Beetroot is good to eat raw, but it is hard to eat, so you can grind it and eat it.

5. Eggs

Eggs contain a lot of vitamin A, surprisingly. The absorption rate is also quite high. Vitamin A is very helpful in preventing dry eyes and forming a protective film. You can expect a surprisingly good effect in improving diseases such as retinitis and cataracts.
Egg yolks are particularly rich in the antioxidant lutein and zeaxanthin. It makes the capillaries in the eyes clean and filters out waste products, so it increases blood circulation and helps recover eyesight quite quickly. I recommend boiling eggs without adding anything.

6. Avocado

Sixth, avocado. It contains a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for eye health. It is excellent in protecting the retina from ultraviolet rays and preventing the progression of cataracts. The lutein component enters the body and makes the blood vessels in the eyes clean and clear. It is a great help in eye diseases that occur with age, so make sure to eat it consistently.

7. Salmon

Seventh, salmon. Fish like salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, has a great effect on eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are similar to the components that make up the retina, and they show a very good effect in strengthening the retina and healing inflammation.

Salmon also contains a lot of vitamin B, which helps to relieve stress when your eyes are tired or fatigued. The rich oil components like omega-3 in salmon keep the eyes moist and smooth, and it is also very good for improving dry eyes and blurred vision.


There are also research results showing that people who consume fish more than once a week have significantly clearer and more vibrant eyesight recovery than those who don't. So, from now on, make sure to eat omega-3 rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, saury, and anchovy with your meals.

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