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5 Things You Should Never Do After Meals

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Bad habits like brushing your teeth after meals, consuming coffee or green tea, and lying down right after meals are harmful to your health.
  • Consuming dessert or engaging in strenuous exercise after meals can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels and impaired digestive function.
  • You should improve your post-meal habits for a healthy life.
5 Things You Should Never Do After Meals

I will tell you about 5 things you should never do after eating. What kind of eating habits do you have? Eating habits are just as important as eating habits. Bad eating habits can lead to illness. Be sure to do it.

Things to Avoid After Eating

The small daily habits you do after eating can make the healthy food you’ve been eating a waste of time. It can even lead to various diseases. I’ll tell you 5 things you should never do after eating, so if you have bad habits, change them and make healthy lifestyle habits.

1. Brushing your teeth

The first is brushing your teeth. Many people brush their teeth vigorously after eating because they feel a little bit of food left in their mouths. Absolutely not. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating will remove the enamel layer that coats and protects your teeth. If the enamel layer is gone, your teeth will easily decay and it’s like your teeth going to battle without armor.
Especially if you brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or drinks, the enamel layer will melt away. To remove food debris left in your mouth, rinse your mouth with water and spit it out right after eating and brush your teeth about an hour after eating.

2. Coffee or Green Tea

Many people drink a cup of coffee after eating. But drinking coffee or green tea after eating will prevent your body from absorbing the iron you get from beans, green vegetables, or nuts. The tannins in coffee and green tea bind to iron and interfere with its absorption into the body.
According to one study, iron absorption decreased by up to 60% when green tea was consumed and up to 50% when coffee was consumed. Therefore, especially those with iron deficiency anemia, should definitely avoid coffee or green tea immediately after meals. If you keep getting anemia, check if you have this habit after eating.
And the tannins in coffee and green tea not only affect iron absorption, but also affect the absorption of other minerals such as zinc, which strengthens the prostate function. So it’s best to wait a little while and drink coffee or green tea at least 30 minutes after eating.

3. Lying Down Right After Eating

It's not always bad to eat and lie down. When you’ve eaten too much, lying down and breathing out slowly can help your stomach move and relieve the feeling of fullness. But the habit of lying down and falling asleep after eating becomes a problem.
Also, sometimes you may have to work late, so dinner time gets late, and you end up going to bed soon after eating. This habit can cause diseases you didn’t have. When you lie down, the position of the esophagus is lowered, making it very easy for food and stomach acid in the stomach to reflux.
If you're not just lying down, but actually sleeping, the amount of time food stays in the stomach increases, making it easier to get gastroesophageal reflux disease. Also, eating right before bed can increase the risk of diabetes, so you should definitely avoid this habit.

4. Dessert After Meals

The fourth habit is dessert after meals. After finishing a meal, blood sugar levels rise and then stabilize. But if you eat sweet desserts at this time, your blood sugar will rise again, putting you into a high blood sugar state. This can put a strain on the pancreas.
Most desserts are made with refined sugars such as sugar, so they raise blood sugar levels much faster than regular carbohydrates and cause blood sugar spikes that bounce up and down. And then, as a side effect, blood sugar levels will drop as much as they rose, making you feel weak and hungry quickly. Therefore, it is better to eat snacks between meals than dessert after meals.

5. Strenuous Exercise

Finally, you should never do strenuous exercise after eating. No matter how good the food you eat is, if you exercise after eating, it can be a waste of time. Our bodies redistribute blood to use a certain amount, but after eating, the blood flow to the digestive tract increases to aid digestion, and the blood flow to the limbs decreases. If you continue to move, you will have to pull blood to your muscles, which will interfere with the blood flow to the digestive tract.
So if you run after eating, you may get stomach cramps. If you eat nutritious food, but it’s not properly absorbed, it won’t mean anything, and undigested food will act as a toxin in your body. Walking is really good, not exercising. Moving comfortably will increase the secretion of digestive juices and make the stomach’s peristalsis more active.

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