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Insomnia Causes and Insomnia Solutions: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep Without Sleeping Pills

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Using cognitive behavioral therapy to correct negative thoughts and behaviors about sleep is an effective way to treat insomnia instead of sleeping pills.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is a fundamental treatment method. It takes time, but it has no side effects and helps you develop the ability to sleep on your own.
  • It is important to seek professional help or learn and practice on your own to improve insomnia.
Insomnia Causes and Insomnia Solutions: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep Without Sleeping Pills

I will tell you about the causes of insomnia and how to solve insomnia. I will tell you how to sleep soundly without sleeping pills. There may be people who are suffering from insomnia every night and cannot get a good night's sleep. I will tell you how to get a good night's sleep without sleeping pills right now.


If you can't sleep now, you might think that your life tomorrow will be messed up. Later, you might even start to hinder and control your sleep. That's why people with insomnia take sleeping pills. This time, I will introduce you to a way to cure insomnia without sleeping pills and get a good night's sleep.

Reasons for insomnia

When we see people who have trouble sleeping, many of them have a constitution that makes it difficult for them to sleep. There are a lot of people who are very nervous and have a lot of thoughts. There are people who worry too much about small things.
You're so troubled and have so many thoughts that you can't sleep well. But that's okay when you're young because you're active, but as you get older, if you have less work or retire and have more time, you'll find it harder to sleep than you think.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Medically, it's a way to make your sleep better fundamentally, not with sleeping pills. The method of treating insomnia is cognitive behavioral therapy. It means to cure and change thoughts about sleep. It also means changing behaviors related to sleep. It's like you're made to do good things so you can sleep well.
This type of approach is found in textbooks and is being done in many countries around the world. Many scholars have researched it. So, it's a proven treatment and I can tell you that it's not dangerous or lonely. Actually, people with insomnia, if you have insomnia for a long time, your thoughts about sleep become distorted.
Because I can't sleep and I'm having a hard time, I start to worry about sleep too much, and that ends up making me think more, which hinders my sleep. Later, that thought hinders your life too. Many people worry when they can't sleep. If I can't sleep, my life will be messed up the next day.
But is that really the case? There are actually not many cases where people can't sleep and mess up their work the next day. You're just worrying about it, and medically speaking, when you don't sleep well, you tend to be more alert the next morning, so you have a little more energy.
Of course, it gets a little tough in the afternoon. So, it's rare for someone to make a serious mistake the next day because they didn't sleep well. It's a wrong thought. It's part of insomnia cognitive therapy to correct those kinds of things with a lot of evidence.

Examples of insomnia treatment

An example of behavioral therapy for insomnia is that many people think they're tired and their body is exhausted because they can't sleep, so they think they should rest even during the day. So, many people lie down even though they're not sleepy. It doesn't mean you're sleeping. You're just lying down and not being active. You keep repeating that behavior. It's basically difficult.
It's a wrong behavior, so you need to correct it, and that's an example of one of the behavioral treatments. Besides that, how you spend your day determines your sleep that night. It might be helpful to plan your daily schedule. It's also part of the behavioral treatment to see what your living conditions are and adjust it accordingly.

How to do cognitive behavioral therapy

It's difficult for a person to change in just one treatment, so you do it multiple times. You do it today, and usually at weekly intervals. The important thing is to learn what helps with sleep and make it part of your regular life, which will help with sleep.
In the process, you develop the feeling and strength of controlling and regulating your sleep, and it's cognitive behavioral therapy that helps you overcome insomnia with that strength.
Cognitive behavioral therapy process
You can learn about the contents of cognitive behavioral therapy by reading a book, or you can meet a doctor and listen to what they say. You'll improve your sleep through learning and education. So, there are no side effects.
You just have to do it the way you learned, but it's not as immediate as medicine. If you take sleeping pills today, you can sleep tonight. But you can't sleep tonight just because you learned about insomnia cognitive behavioral therapy today.
It takes time to change. However, it's quite natural in terms of fundamentally developing the ability to sleep on your own. In a way, it's the direction that proper treatment should go. It can be said to be a way to eradicate insomnia.

In conclusion

Insomnia is a specialized treatment and it takes a lot of time and money. If there's no hospital nearby where you live, it's difficult to get help right away. But if you try to learn it yourself, make an effort, and put it into practice, it's easy to overcome mild insomnia.

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