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8 Reasons Why You Should Eat Apples

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Apples have various health benefits, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skin care, anticancer effects, and gut health.
  • The ingredients in apples, such as potassium, pectin, and flavonoids, contribute to these benefits.
  • However, excessive consumption can lead to indigestion, so moderate intake is necessary.
8 Reasons Why You Should Eat Apples


I will tell you about 8 reasons why you should eat apples. Apples have many health benefits. They are rich in nutrients such as fiber and vitamin C, which help to prevent disease. Let's take a closer look at the specific changes in the body that occur when you eat apples regularly.

1. Helps with cardiovascular disease.

Potassium contained in apples helps to excrete sodium from the body, and it contains a large amount of soluble fiber, which helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, it contains a lot of flavonoids, which help lower blood pressure.
The potassium in apples helps to excrete sodium and water from the body, preventing them from accumulating excessively in the body, making it a very good fruit for managing high blood pressure.
It also has the effect of preventing heart disease. In particular, a component called epicatechin is said to have the effect of lowering the incidence of stroke. It also lowers LDL cholesterol levels and has antioxidant effects, making it a food that is very helpful for blood vessel health.

2. Helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

People who ate one apple a day were found to have a 25 to 30% lower incidence of type 2 diabetes than those who didn't. The research team speculates that this is because the polyphenol components in apples help prevent tissue damage to beta cells in the pancreas. So, eating an apple every day can be a great help in diabetes.

3. Helps with skin beauty and constipation prevention.

Apples are very rich in pectin, which is an insoluble and soluble fiber. This pectin component helps to regulate bowel movements, preventing constipation.
And it helps to shrink enlarged pores on the skin, making the skin clear and beautiful. It also helps with skin whitening and anti-aging, and the rich ingredients in apples are said to help improve skin problems by removing waste from pores and dead skin cells.

4. Strengthens anti-cancer and immunity.

Flavonoids in apples create anti-cancer substances to help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In particular, the component called triterpenoid helps prevent liver, colorectal and breast cancer. It is also high in vitamin C, which has excellent effects on strengthening immunity.

5. Promotes bowel movement.

Pectin increases good fats that are good for preventing colorectal cancer, and polyphenols help create anti-cancer substances in the gut. It also activates the activity of beneficial bifidobacteria, which helps to improve resistance to disease.
In addition, pectin is effective in removing heavy metals, foreign substances, and carcinogens that have accumulated in the body. In this day and age where heavy metals accumulating in the body are a concern due to environmental pollution, this is a food that must be consumed.

6. Great help for the respiratory system.

Antioxidants are of great help to the lungs. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat apples have a lower incidence of respiratory diseases. According to a study by a university in the UK, people who ate two or more apples a week had a 20% lower incidence of asthma.
This is due to the quercetin and flavonoid components, which help to strengthen and recover lung function. If you have a history of respiratory diseases, it is said to help improve and prevent symptoms. It is also said to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer by 44%, so those with weak respiratory systems should definitely eat apples.

7. Helps with diet.

Rich dietary fiber can help with weight loss and management by making you feel full.

8. Helps with teeth and gum health.

You should eat the peel of the apple. If you wash the peel thoroughly and eat it, it effectively removes the bacterial film and foreign substances stuck between your teeth and gums, helping to manage oral health by preventing gingivitis.
It also helps relieve symptoms for people who often have a dry mouth, dryness, or those who have white coating on their tongue due to saliva not being secreted smoothly. It is recommended that you eat apples.
However, there is one thing to be careful about with apples, which are so good. If you eat too much dietary fiber in apples too late at night, it can actually overstimulate bowel movements, hindering proper digestion and producing a lot of gas, which can interfere with sleep. So it is best not to eat apples for two hours before bedtime.
Also, acidic components can cause heartburn, so people with weak stomachs are recommended to gradually increase their intake. I hope you will eat apples, which are rich in flavor and nutrition, and live a healthier life.

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