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The miraculous effects and methods of walking exercise

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Walking exercise is a safe aerobic exercise with many health benefits.
  • You must keep the correct posture and method when walking to prevent injuries.
  • You can live a healthy life with about 80 minutes of walking a day.
The miraculous effects and methods of walking exercise

I will tell you about the miraculous effects and methods of walking exercise. Walking is the safest aerobic exercise among many exercises that anyone can easily do without any special equipment or financial investment. I will tell you why you need walking exercise, what are the effects of exercise, and how to walk.


Many people think that walking exercise should be done until you are out of breath, but even walking itself is very helpful for your health. Walking is the perfect exercise with no burden on your knees and no side effects compared to running. And doing it 5 times a week for 30 minutes is essential for health. The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends 30 minutes of exercise a day, saying that you can be freed from various adult diseases by walking.


Walking exercise is a typical aerobic exercise that many people prefer. Walking exercise, along with running, is a typical aerobic exercise that promotes blood circulation, delivering oxygen and blood smoothly to the extremities of the body, thereby improving blood circulation, relieving pain and stiffness, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and increasing red blood cells, resulting in a healthy effect.
In addition, walking exercise also helps to increase bone density by using bones and muscles throughout the body evenly, and to create a toned body by increasing the amount of muscle use from 30% in daily life to 80%. Walking is more effective in burning body fat, which is the cause of obesity, than running. In fact, looking at the amount of fat and carbohydrate consumption, walking is 50 to 50, while running is 33 to 67. It can be seen that fat burning is much more effective in walking than running.
This is also because the higher the exercise intensity, the closer it is to anaerobic exercise, and the higher the carbohydrate consumption. And along with the exercise effect, safety is something to consider when exercising. The load on the feet when walking and running is more than twice as much when running.
This is because one foot is on the ground when walking, but both feet are off the ground when running, and the fact that the load is high means that it puts a lot of stress on the joints. Therefore, this is the reason why walking exercise, which is safe and has a greater exercise effect, is recommended over running.

How to walk

So how should we walk? Walking properly is important for a healthy long life. Walking brings health to our body in many ways, but walking incorrectly reduces the efficiency of exercise and increases the possibility of injury. The following are the conditions for walking exercise presented by experts.

1. Keep your chest open and your elbows at a 90-degree angle next to your body.

If you flap your arms or walk with too wide a stride, it will reduce the effectiveness of exercise while causing pain in your shins, etc. First, you need to bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and keep your elbows close to your body so that your arms do not flap. Also, think of a pillar in front of you, keep your chest open, and walk with a moderate stride.
Walking with a large stride is very helpful in strengthening the muscles of the thighs and calves, but walking with a large stride will expand the muscles of the heels, reducing the forward thrust. It is good to keep the stride at about 40% of your height. As you get older, your joints and muscles weaken and your stride decreases.

2. Gradually increase the walking speed.

For the first 5 minutes of starting walking exercise, you should walk slowly as if you were taking a walk, then gradually increase the speed. Increasing the blood flow in your leg muscles and gradually getting into a state of exercise can prevent injuries. When your legs are warmed up, start walking exercise.
The walking speed is best at a fast pace as if you are about to be late for an appointment. Simply put, walk breathlessly but at a pace where you can have a short conversation with the person next to you. Power walking, which walks fast, is 1.5 times more effective in blood circulation than normal walking, and it is also very effective in strength training by using the whole body powerfully, and it also improves cardiovascular function.
For the last 5 to 10 minutes, you need to walk slowly again, like taking a walk. If you stop suddenly after walking fast, the blood that has accumulated in your leg muscles may pool in that spot, causing dizziness. Walking exercise is helpful for your health in many ways. If you meditate while walking, you can even get peace of mind and take care of your mental health.

3. Keep your neck and spine straight.

Some people walk with their heads down and their posture hunched over, which puts a lot of stress on your back and waist, and breaks the balance of your body. It is better to keep your neck and spine straight or even to tilt your neck and waist back to create an S shape. Relax your shoulders and give them a firm grip.

4. Wear shoes that are 1% of your body weight.

Walking is an exercise that can be done without any special equipment. However, shoes are something that you should always consider for exercise effect and safety. Shoes should be as light as possible.

5. Drink water every 15 minutes.

Some people think that drinking water during exercise is harmful, but you should replenish the water lost through exercise to prevent dehydration. The water intake method recommended by experts is to drink one cup 2 hours before exercise, one cup 15 minutes before exercise, and to drink water every 15 minutes during exercise.

In conclusion

Walking exercise is the easiest exercise anyone can do, but to increase the exercise effect, you need to walk at an appropriate speed for a certain amount of time, rather than just walking aimlessly.
The appropriate amount of exercise is usually 300 kcal for adult men per day, which is about 80 minutes of walking at a normal pace, and 30 minutes of power walking with a wider stride and a faster pace. It is said that it takes 100 days to make a habit out of an action. Make walking a part of your life and enjoy a healthy life.

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